If you're like most business owners, you want a web site that is clean and professional, and provides meaningful content to users regardless of which browser they are using, or which operating system they are running. You want a web site that is accessible to everyone; even those with disabilities. After all, everyone is a potential customer, and you can't afford to have an internet presence that someone can't use.
There are so many issues to address in web site development from the look and feel, to the functionality of the web site. When you add to the fact that you want your site to provide meaningful content to the maximum number of users, you don't want to trust development of your company's online image to just any web development firm.
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Aphion specializes in creating web sites which comply to some of the most rigid standards in the web development industry. This includes web site coding to the W3C's XHTML 1.0 guidelines and strict adherence to Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 amended.
In fact, at the bottom of every page in this web site, you will see a graphic indicating the page is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Go ahead, click on the link. It will take you to the W3C's validation results for that page.
This dedication to standards ensures that all web sites developed by Aphion will be accessible to the maximum number of Internet users including those with vision and hearing impairments.
In addition to providing web site development, Aphion can help your business with custom Internet application development. Whether your business is looking to begin e-commerce activities utilizing a shopping cart, create a specialized member's only area, gather data and visitor information from custom surveys, or add an online forum for visitors to discuss various aspects of your industry on your web site, Aphion can help.
Founded in 2002 by Web Designer and Programmer Brandon Carlson (ZEND Certified Engineer, RHCT and AAS - Web Programming), Aphion is dedicated to providing high quality, high impact web design services for small businesses.
Aphion provides web design services tailored to your business' individual needs, at extremely affordable prices.